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Thursday, January 20, 2011

January was a busy month

January 1
Jackie opening champagne before we enjoyed her annual southern, good luck meal of pork chops, black-eyed peas, greens and cherry breeze pie.

At Jennifer's:
Painting by my mother-in-law,
  Marian Colwell Birmingham, done approximately 1915

Another interesting shape;  remains of coffee with chocolate at bottom of my coffee cup

January 4
I'm ready for Chistmas to go away, but not quite energetic enough to actually put away.  This is everything Christmasy, from every room which I managed to move to the dining table awaiting it's return to boxes and the closet for another 11 months.

Woo Hoo, living room is back to normal

I was invited to stay with Kaylie while Clay and Janyll went to Hawaii for a few days in early January.  I was happy to spend time with her and to get her to-and-from school, do homework, and take care of pets.  We worked on her ancestor project and I suggested that her ancestor doll be from her Irish heritage (Birmingham).

January 6
Kaylie does not have a striking resemblance to her Irish ancestor.

Her ancestor doll does have a striking resemblance to the family portraits Clay drew when he was a child.

Granddog Truffles at home

Don, Becky and Abigail (Santa Rosa, niece and great niece) spent Sunday afternoon in San Rafael with Kaylie and me.  We didn't take pictures, however, here is a picture from a week earlier of Becky and Abigail in Knights Valley.  Love the red coat, Becky

Jan 12
Taken from Amtrak window returning to Sacramento from San Rafael

Jan 15
Michael's 11th birthday party at bowling alley in Folsom
His birthday is Dec 27..never a good time for a birthday party.

Michael and Grandma Liz

Jan 20
Through park to Hyatt to see ex-coworkers
at New Mayors and Council Members Academy

Brian, Helen and Sussan in lobby at Hyatt

and most important

Jan 21
 Preparation for repairs to living room ceiling from rain damage.

Uh Oh, living room not back to normal for long.
This is a month long process; waiting for ceiling to dry; then removing plaster, then replastering; wait several days for that to dry, then sanding and someday painting.

Stacey is taking me to dinner at Ernesto's for my birthday.  Yes, my birthday is November 23, however, it was nice to still be celebrating my birth!

January 24
Jacey out of school today; she and Jen came to visit and we had lunch at Pronto.
Jen took picture of me and Jacey through the looking glass.

Pasta Carbonara

Jen wasn't happy with any of the pictures taken of her today, so here's one from Michael's birthday party on the 15th.

Christmas present from Becky.  I added water and this is what happened.

 January 26
Jackie invited me to go with her to Mondavi Center at UC Davis to hear
Daniel Handler, AKA - Lemony Snicket
We had dinner at Mustard Seed in Davis, and then laughed for an hour and a half at a drolly-funny Daniel Handler.

January 28, 2011

Mom was taken to hospital at 11:00 p.m. last night, cold and unresponsive. She was moved into a room with a plan to keep her comfortable and Hospice would come in the morning.  She died at  3:15 a.m., Central time this morning. 

Headed to Texas to Mom's funeral

I had a 4 hour layover in Phoenix and plenty of time to snap a few photos.
Look Up

Look Down

Overhead light as reflected through my glasses onto cracker package.

Sunday, Jan. 30 at  Stan's
Don, Stan, Liz

January 31st
Spent lots of time at kitchen table visiting with  Stan, Margaret, Don and DJ.
Tomorrow is the day of Mom's funeral and Don's birthday.
See Arrangements Pending Blog


  1. Beautiful photos - you have a good eye for using the light to result in great shots.

  2. You are ahead of me. My Christmas stuff is scattered through the house, tree still in place and wall decorations still on the wall including the banner that is backwards. Instead of Santa saying HO! HO! HO! He is saying !OH !OH !OH
    Wonder if Christmas clean-up procrastination is a family trait?
    Love your choice of pictures, especially the park one.

  3. Just want you to know how much I am thinking of you on this difficult day. Satcey
